Web Safari

Web Safari is a virtual safari experience that allows people to explore Africa’s wildlife and landscapes from the comfort of their own homes. Through live-streaming and pre-recorded videos, users can view animals in their natural habitats, such as lions, elephants, giraffes, and more. This online platform also provides educational content about African wildlife, conservation efforts, documentaries and local cultures.

Wakambi Online Tours in Africa offer virtual guided tours to various destinations across the continent. These tours use audio visual content, visual, audio, and technology like virtual reality and 360-degree videos to provide an immersive experience. Participants can “visit” famous landmarks like Victoria Falls, Masai Mara National Reserve, Table Mountain, and the pyramids of Egypt. There are also cultural tours that showcase traditional music, dance, and culinary experiences.

Both Web Safari and online tours in Africa aim to bring the beauty and adventure of the continent to a global audience. These virtual experiences provide opportunities for people who may not have the means or time to travel to Africa in person. Additionally, these platforms contribute to conservation efforts by raising awareness about the importance of protecting African wildlife and ecosystems.

Business Idea

The advent of the internet brought a lot into the living room and palm of our hands. Which will forever change the world of touring.

Online virtual tours and safaris. For urban areas, rural areas, institutional, outdoors, woods, bushes, forests and jungles Experience world travel from the comfort of your space where ever you maybe in the world. We also allow other people to share their content, however we curate what is published on the platform.

Social Objectives

The social objectives of Web Safari and Online Tours Africa may include:

  • To establish entrepreneurial products to keep and celebrate culture and tradition through heritage Afro Ethnic products crafted in collaboration with women, children and indigenous artisans. such as basketry, footwear, jewellery etc.
  • Reducing Global Carbon Footprint through less transport usage.
  • Promoting cultural understanding: These platforms aim to foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation by showcasing African cultures, traditions, and communities. Through virtual tours, they provide opportunities for users to learn about African customs, music, dance, art, and culinary traditions.
  • Raising conservation awareness: Web Safari and online tours play a significant role in raising awareness about the conservation challenges facing African wildlife and ecosystems. They educate users about the importance of conservation efforts, the impact of human activities on the environment, and the need to protect and preserve African biodiversity.
  • Supporting local communities: One of the social objectives is to promote economic development and sustainability in local African communities. By collaborating with local tour operators and organizations, these platforms generate income and employment opportunities for local guides, drivers, and other staff members. This support contributes to the well-being and livelihoods of communities in Africa.
  • Increasing accessibility to African experiences: Web Safari and online tours aim to make African experiences more accessible to a global audience. By providing a digital platform, they break down barriers of time, distance, and cost. People who may not have the means to physically travel to Africa can still engage in virtual safaris and tours, allowing for a broader reach and inclusivity.
  • Enhancing education and knowledge: These platforms have social objectives of providing educational content and promoting knowledge about Africa’s history, geography, wildlife, and cultures. Through interactive experiences and expert-guided tours, they strive to enhance users’ understanding and appreciation of African heritage and ecosystems.
  • Encouraging responsible tourism: Wakambi Safari and Online Tours Africa aim to encourage responsible tourism practices. By highlighting the importance of sustainable tourism and minimizing the impact on the environment, they promote ethical and respectful travel behaviors. The objective is to create awareness about responsible tourism practices, such as supporting local economies, respecting wildlife and ecosystems, and embracing cultural diversity.

Overall, the social objectives of Wakambi Web Safari and Online Tours Africa revolve around promoting cultural understanding, raising conservation awareness, supporting local communities, increasing accessibility to African experiences, enhancing education and knowledge, and encouraging responsible tourism practices.


Travel restrictions are limiting physical travel and site visits. Our virtual tourism offer makes visiting interesting sites around the possible. Web Safari and online tours in Africa solve several problems, including:

  • Accessibility: These virtual experiences allow individuals who may not have the means or time to travel to Africa in person to still explore its wildlife and landscapes. It provides a more affordable and convenient alternative to traditional safaris and tours, making Africa’s beauty more accessible to a global audience.
  • Time constraints: Many people have busy schedules and limited vacation time, making it challenging to plan and embark on a physical trip to Africa. With Wakambi Web Safari and Online Tours, individuals can experience Africa’s wonders at their own convenience, fitting it into their daily routines without the need for extensive planning or time off.
  • Conservation awareness: By showcasing African wildlife and ecosystems, these platforms raise awareness about the importance of conservation efforts. They educate users about the threats facing African wildlife and promote a sense of responsibility towards their protection. By supporting these virtual experiences, users indirectly contribute to conservation efforts.
  • Cultural understanding: In addition to wildlife, Wakambi Web Safari and Online Tours also offer insights into African cultures, traditions, and ways of life. Participants can learn about local communities, their music, dance, and culinary traditions, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.
  • Economic support: These platforms often collaborate with local tour operators and organizations, providing employment opportunities and income generation for the local communities. By supporting these virtual experiences, users indirectly contribute to the livelihoods and sustainable development of African tourism.
  • Flexibility and convenience: Web Safari and online tours offer the flexibility to explore Africa’s beauty at any time and from any location. It eliminates the need for travel arrangements, visas, and physical presence in specific locations, giving users the freedom to immerse themselves in African wildlife and culture from the comfort of their own homes.

Overall, these virtual experiences solve the problems of accessibility, time constraints, conservation awareness, cultural understanding, economic support, and offer flexibility and convenience to individuals interested in exploring Africa’s wonders.


Web Safari and Online Tours in Africa provide the following solutions:

  • On Demand tours, custom tours, stake tours e.g. stake a watering hole, see places from all angles ground, crowd, air and other.
  • Virtual exploration: They offer a virtual platform to explore African wildlife, landscapes, and cultural experiences without the need for physical travel. Users can view high-quality images and videos, interact with guides, and immerse themselves in the beauty of Africa through a digital medium.
  • Convenient access: These platforms provide accessibility to Africa’s wonders, especially for individuals who cannot travel due to time, financial, or other constraints. Users can engage in virtual safaris and tours from anywhere in the world, accessing African experiences conveniently and at their own pace.
  • Conservation awareness: Web Safari and online tours raise awareness about the conservation challenges facing African wildlife and ecosystems. They educate users about the importance of preserving these natural treasures and promote a sense of responsibility towards their protection.
  • Cultural immersion: These platforms also offer insights into African cultures, traditions, and communities. Users can learn about local customs, music, dance, and cuisine, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.
  • Support for local communities: By collaborating with local tour operators and organizations, Wakambi Web Safari and Online Tours contribute to the economic development of African communities. They provide income generation and employment opportunities for local guides, drivers, and other staff, supporting sustainable tourism in the region.
  • Flexibility and personalization: These virtual experiences offer flexibility in terms of timing and content. Users can choose when and how they want to engage in the online tours, tailoring the experience to their preferences and interests.
  • Cost-effective alternative: WaWeb Safari and online tours provide a more affordable alternative to physical safaris and tours in Africa. Users can enjoy the beauty of Africa’s wildlife and landscapes without incurring expenses such as travel, accommodation, and guided tour fees.

Overall, Wakambi Web Safari and Online Tours in Africa offer solutions such as virtual exploration, convenience, conservation awareness, cultural immersion, support for local communities, flexibility, personalization, and cost-effectiveness. They bring Africa’s wonders closer to a global audience, making it possible to experience its beauty and learn about its wildlife and cultures from anywhere in the world.

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