Wakambi Print

Print and Photo copy on demand remains a crucial service even in the digital age, due to the continuing use of hard copies alongside the digital. Most organizations that offer Print services are mostly located in the CBD. And the ones in northern suburbs offer the printing services at astronomical prices.

Business Idea

To provide on demand Print,  Design,  Photocopying and typing services to community members and students. Via a virtual request and proofing platform for efficient and effective Print and delivery services to your doorstep.

Social Objectives

  • Environmental benefits derived from the usage of clean powered electronic appliances.
  • Promoting creativity and self-expression: Online print on demand businesses can provide a platform for individuals to express themselves creatively through designs, artwork, and other printed media.
  • Encouraging diversity and inclusivity: By offering a wide range of products that cater to different tastes, interests, and cultures, online print on demand businesses can promote diversity and inclusivity in their customer base.
  • Supporting ethical and sustainable practices: Many online print on demand businesses prioritize ethical and sustainable production processes, such as using eco-friendly materials and partnering with responsible suppliers.
  • Fostering community engagement: Through social media and other digital channels, online print on demand businesses can build strong communities that facilitate interaction, dialogue, and feedback from customers.
  • Empowering small businesses and independent creators: Online print on demand businesses can empower small businesses and independent artists by providing them with a platform to sell their products and reach a wider audience.
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction: By providing high-quality products, timely delivery, and exceptional customer service, online print on demand businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and build loyalty.


  • With the plethora of printing services on offer nowadays. However still none one offers printing on demand.
  • Environmental damage
  • Still old and outdated machines
  • Limited printing choices: Without online print on demand services, people or companies may have limited options for printing. They might have to rely on local print shops that may not have access to the latest printing technology.
  • Time-consuming process: Without online printing services, the process of printing can be a tedious and time-consuming task. It might involve physically visiting a print shop, discussing the order, and waiting for the finished product.
  • Higher cost: Local printing shops may charge higher prices for printing, as they do not have access to bulk discounts and may have to order printing materials from suppliers.
  • Limited Availability: Local print shops may not be able to cater to the needs of customers who live far away or in different parts of the country or world
  • Quality Control Issues: Without access to online print on demand services, customers may have to rely on the expertise of local printing shops, which may not have the same level of quality control as an established online service.
  • Inconvenience: Companies that require printing materials for large-scale operations may find it inconvenient to manually order printing services from multiple vendors, rather than simply ordering online.


  • First on demand printing services in Africa.
  • Lower African carbon footprints
  • Encourage the adoption of smart technology
  • Inventory Management: With print on-demand, there is no need to hold a large inventory of products. You can sell products as they are ordered, which reduces the risk of overstocking and wastage.
  • Reduction in Costs: Online Print on-demand businesses offer lower upfront costs than traditional printing and retail businesses. This enables entrepreneurs to start their businesses at a lower cost.
  • Flexibility: With print on-demand, entrepreneurs can easily change and create new designs without incurring additional costs. Since the products are printed only when ordered, they can be customized quickly and easily.
  • Time Efficiency: Maintaining inventory requires time and space. Online print-on-demand businesses eliminate the need for a warehouse or physical store, which can save time for the business owner.
  • Expansion: Online Print on-demand businesses can expand their product range quickly, meaning that new items can easily be added based on demand. This, in turn, allows businesses to test new markets and niche areas easily.
  • Sustainability: With Print on Demand, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. Only the number of products ordered by customers are printed as opposed to mass-production methods where excessive waste occurs.
  • Customer Trust: By offering custom and personalised products with On Demand Printing companies can build a trusting relationship with their customers.

Overall, online print on-demand businesses help entrepreneurs start and operate their businesses more efficiently and affordably with less risk.

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