Annually the following startups are cofounded with other entrepreneurs and entities, who are developing a solution Wakambi finds desirable to the market with growth prospects.

36 Project Company Deals

Deals are short term business enterprise in the form of Projects, trades, transactions, and tenders. Deals are on average one deal per month or 3 deals per quarter totalling 36 per annum.

Quarterly Startup Release

  • 12 Ground Zero Own Founded In-House Startups
  • 12 Entrepreneur Startup Week Startups
  • 12 Corporate Venture Startup Weekend Startups
  • 12 Random Resident Startups
  • 12 International Expansion Enterprises
  • 12 Reverse Engineering Enterprises
  • 12 Mergers, Acquisitions and Buyouts
  • 12 Innovation Hub Startups
  • 12 Roots Hub Startups
  • 12 Internet Studio
  • 12 Ada Lovelace