Wakambi: Adoption of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startup Enterprise Creation, Ecosystem Development, Capital Strategies and Software. As A Tool For Economic Development, Social Equity, Environmental Conservation, Technology Transfer, International Communication & Expansion, Scientific Exploration and Cultural Exchange


Welcome to Wakambi Business Startup Ecosystem that comprises a germination seedbed, accelerator, hubs, incubator, dispatch and alternative capital strategies in the form of crowd funding platform, in-house venture capital, private equity and early listing. This makes Wakambi a versatile integrated modular startup ecosystem and business acquisition specialist. Wakambi startups are created by seeing a need and filling a need using entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, human capital and technology to create impact startup business with social objectives that spearhead scientific, social, economic, environmental and cultural development.

Currently the African economic landscape is characterized by subsistence entrepreneurship, an unbanked market, sparse capital, low application of creativity and innovation, non profit and humanitarian aid dependency all resulting in low entrepreneurship, low rate of problem solving and startup creation, unemployment and under development.
Africa is the world’s next growth market, it is a green field of opportunity and blue ocean business environment. Wakambi’s integrated modular ecosystem model has a unique de-risking strategies and mechanisms that reduce the 90% failure rate of startups to 10%.

  • By addressing the known 90% causes of startup failure to achieve 90% startup success.
  • By creating verticals to reinforce innovation for the core startup and insulate it against market forces providing backup enterprise in forward and backward integration.
  • Offering residency which provides monitored guided supported growth for startups and incumbents with capital infusion.
  • Offering international collaborations and partnerships to diversify startup’s market opportunities.
  • Provides resident businesses with remote IT services, cloud infrastructure, and DevOps principles and support so startups can focus on product development, scalability, product market fit, customer relationship management and customer experiences and user interface design and improvement.
  • Has an anchor portfolio that is comprised of in-house startups, acquisition startups and international expansion startups all built on prior research and feasibility studies
  • Wakambi ecosystem as a co founder delivers institutional entrepreneurship and Founder Market Fit for resident startups